What Are The Advantages of Virtual Assistants As CCE?

Understanding What a Virtual Customer Service Representative Is Some customer support VAs are skilled at providing voice support through VoIP or online calling platforms. With access to better software, some VAs can even do video customer support. Customer support is an essential aspect of any business whether it’s business-to-consumer (B2B) or business-to-business (B2B). By prioritizing […]

How the White House sees the future of safeguarding AI

Domino for Government Mission-Driven AI. Secure & Governed. Current laws and regulations also contribute to ensuring data privacy and security in governments that leverage AI. Governments have since realized the need to protect sensitive information through the implementation of various measures. As one of the first companies to articulate Al principles, we’ve set the standard […]

How Foundation Models Can Advance AI in Healthcare

Choosing an AI Provider for Computer Vision & Custom Models Historically, the call centre sector has grappled with optimizing operations and delivering outstanding customer service. Conventional approaches to monitoring and enhancing call centre performance have been inadequate in resolving these concerns. Here’s a step-by-step process on how to train chatgpt on custom data and create […]

How to Automate Customer Service Effectively Complete Guide

How and Why To Automate Your Customer Support Saving Time And Resources! Automated customer support processes are often created using a SaaS (Software as a Service) tool. These tools are typically hosted in the cloud and can be accessed remotely by employees at all times. When deciding which SaaS tools to use, you’ll want to […]